I have been adding information to our Historical Timeline page and have been scanning in photos and newspaper clippings. According to the 1985 FELC Directory, on November 26, 1950, the last of the church mortgage notes were burned at a church ceremony, ten years earlier than had been anticipated.
Here is a newspaper clipping from 1950 that I found about the mortgage note burning.
“A capacity crowd witnessed the mortgage burning Sunday night at the First English Lutheran church November 26.
Rev. Stephen Dale announced the program, Rev. Arling Thompson led in devotion and prayer, Rev. LaVern Hanson gave the sermon ‘What Mean These Stones?’ The following each gave three minute talks, J. M. Peterson, chairman of the congregation; Ed Martinson, O. M. Osen, Carl J. Eastvold, Norm Tangen, former chairmen.
Rev. Otto Schmidt couldn’t attend because his daughter, Better Ann, was seriously ill. Rev. Otto Dale, Milbank, and Rev. Martin Thompson, Clinton, spoke. Senior and Junior choirs sang. Mrs. O. M. Osen presented gardenia corsages to the pastors wives.
The congregation expresses its thanks to those who helped to make the occasion a memorable one.
The WMF served lunch to everyone afterwards in the church parlors.