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Weekly Schedule for 5/21-5/28

    This Sunday we have Bishop Craig Anderson, Ph.D. filling in for Pastor Denise while she is away continuing education. Pastor Denise will be back on Monday the 22nd. There will be confirmation for the 9th graders on Wednesday at 3:30 pm. And next Sunday is Pentecost and we’ll have noisy… Read More »Weekly Schedule for 5/21-5/28

    Day of Love History

      I have been adding information to our Historical Timeline page and have been scanning in photos and newspaper clippings. I found the following newspaper article from 1985 concerning the 10th anniversary of the Day of Love. It reads: First English “Day of Love” Now In Its 10th Year Every Tuesday morning, women… Read More »Day of Love History

      Christeens (1965-1971)

        Christeens began in 1964. It was started for the young girls of our congregation and that is how the name was chosen, Christ-in-teens. Each girl was assigned to a resident at Parkview Nursing Home, whom they were to visit once a week and do errands for them, read to them,… Read More »Christeens (1965-1971)

        Weekly Schedule for 5/14-5/21

          Pastor Denise Fossen will be away this upcoming week continuing education. She’ll be gone from 5/15 through 5/21. You can call Ranet Schmeichel at (320) 760-0266 while Pastor is away. And The Right Reverend Bishop Craig Anderson, Ph.D. will lead our next service on May 21st.

          Weekly Schedule 5/7-5/14

            Special Notes: May 7th is our Senior Recognition Service. We will recognizing Julia Wiik and there will be cake afterwards during fellowship. On Tuesday, May 9th, there will be a visitation and funeral for Rick Anderson. May 14th is our Mother’s Day service.