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Good Friday 4-7 Bulletin

    Life and death stand side by side as we enter into Good Friday. Standing with the disciples at the foot of the cross, we pray for the whole world, as Christ’s death offers life to all. We gather in solemn devotion, but always with the promise that the tree around… Read More »Good Friday 4-7 Bulletin

    Maundy Thursday 4-6 Bulletin

      This evening our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Tonight, we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment that we live out the promise embodied… Read More »Maundy Thursday 4-6 Bulletin

      Someplace Safe Spring Newsletter

        Someplace Safe is a nonprofit agency offering a myriad of services to victims and survivors of crime, families, and communities in a nine-county region in West Central Minnesota. Nearly 4,000 unduplicated local victims of crime are provided services each year through ten Advocacy Offices, five Parenting Time Centers, and three… Read More »Someplace Safe Spring Newsletter

        Holy Week Schedule

          Palm Sunday with Communion – April 2 – 9 am Holy week begins with Palm Sunday on April 2nd. Our service is at 9:00 am and starts with a processional including palms. Sunday School children will also be singing for us during this service. We will also be having communion.… Read More »Holy Week Schedule

          Easter Garden

            Each year First English Lutheran Church has an “Easter Garden” full of flowers donated to us in memory of or in honor of a loved one. If you are interested in helping us build our flower “garden” for Easter by contributing an Easter Lilly or some other plant/flower(s) in memory… Read More »Easter Garden