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Event Series Confirmation (9th Grade)

Confirmation (9th Grade)

First English Lutheran Church 9 3rd St NW, Ortonville, MN, United States

On Early-Out Days we will meet at 2:45 pm instead of the normal 4:30 pm time. ALL Students expected to attend midweek and Holy week services. Church dinner is at 5:30 pm.  

Event Series Senior Choir

Senior Choir

First English Lutheran Church 9 3rd St NW, Ortonville, MN, United States

New members of all ages with a basic enthusiasm for music and desire to spend time with a fun, supportive group are always welcome and appreciated! Join us any Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the choir room located on the lower level next to the fellowship hall.

Wedding Rehearsal

Wedding rehearsal for the Rachel Mork & Jordan Thorson Wedding on the 7th.

Church Doors Open

The church will be opened at 7 am for the wedding preparation.

Pastor Appreciation Day

We Appreciate Pastor Fossen! Thank you, Pastor, for all you do for us at FELC! Today, Oct. 8th, is Pastor Appreciation Day. Remember to count the blessing that is our Pastor.

Coffee Fellowship

First English Lutheran Church 9 3rd St NW, Ortonville, MN, United States

Family Bible Scavenger Hunt at Refuge

Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge 44843 County Road 19, Odessa, MN, United States

Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge