5:30 pm Ch. 3 TV Broadcast
Channel 3 Broadcast of previous worship service.
Channel 3 Broadcast of previous worship service.
At 9:00 am FELC is invited to join Zion Lutheran Church at their location for a combined worship service. There will be coffee and fellowship afterward.
Showing of the pre-recorded FELC worship service at Fairway View.
FELC is partnering with Zion Lutheran Church on VBS this year. VBS goes from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm each night from Sunday, June 9th to Thursday, the 13th. The theme will be "The Great Jungle Journey."
FELC is partnering with Zion Lutheran Church on VBS this year. VBS goes from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm each night from Sunday, June 9th to Thursday, the 13th. The theme will be "The Great Jungle Journey."
The Day of Love group will be quilting in the Fellowship Hall.
Someone from the church will be at Fairway View in Donnie’s Diner for Bible Study.
FELC is partnering with Zion Lutheran Church on VBS this year. VBS goes from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm each night from Sunday, June 9th to Thursday, the 13th. The theme will be "The Great Jungle Journey."
Channel 3 Broadcast of previous worship service.
Channel 3 Broadcast of previous worship service.
FELC is partnering with Zion Lutheran Church on VBS this year. VBS goes from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm each night from Sunday, June 9th to Thursday, the 13th. The theme will be "The Great Jungle Journey."