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VBS Registrations 2023

    Vacation Bible School will be happening here at First English Lutheran Church on July 24-27th. The hours are 3:00-7:00 PM. We do need to have registrations for this event and any youth ages PreK (finished 3yrs preschool) to 6th grade are welcome.

    You have 3 ways to register:

    1. Google Online Registration
    2. Download and fill out the PDF below.
    3. Pick up paper copies in the Narthex

    We need the registrations returned to the church by Tuesday, June 27th so that we can let Green Lake know about the t-shirt sizes.

    Volunteers will be needed also to assist with the camp days, snacks, and supper. If you are interested in assisting an any way please let us know in the office and we will gladly put you to work!!!