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Zoom Conversation: 5 Themes LeaderWise Hears

    April 18 @ 7-9 pm (Lay Leaders)

    It would be beneficial for members of our church to go to this Zoom meeting to learn more. LeaderWise, church consultants, present: “Zoom Conversation: Five Themes LeaderWise Hears” on April 18th at 7:00 pm via Zoom (RSVP below).

    For many congregations, church-as-we-know-it is struggling and may soon vanish. When LeaderWise, as church consultants, work with congregations we often hear the same FIVE THEMES; however, these FIVE THEMES hinder congregations from stepping into the future. Click here to read a recent article by Rev. Cindy Halvorson, a staff associate with LeaderWise about the FIVE THEMES and Why They Are the Death of the Church.

    Southwestern Minnesota Synod will welcome Rev. Cindy Halvorson Tuesday, April 18 for a  Zoom conversation around those FIVE THEMES as we think together about what it means to “be the church” as society experiences significant shifts.

    • Rostered Ministers – gather for a conversation at 2:00 p.m.
    • Lay leaders – gather for a conversation at 7:00 p.m.

    The conversations will be facilitated specifically for each particular group – rostered or lay – so please plan to participate  accordingly.

    These Zoom conversations will NOT be recorded for future use so please share this information with Rostered Ministers, Congregation Councils, and Lay Leaders because the conversation will be very beneficial to congregations.

    RSVP to receive the Zoom Link.